
Annotation Software

Page history last edited by Tim Fahlberg 15 years, 7 months ago

Home > Make your own mathcastsMathcasts - Tools > Annotation Software



  1. ZoomIt (Windows XP and higher):  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897434.aspx  Thanks to David McCollom, Educational Evangelist - TechSmith, for recommending it and for creating this screencast showing how to use it.
  2. GE Imagination Cubed (Windows or Mac):  http://imagination3.com/  (Thanks to Shauna Hedgepeth for recommending - See TechSmith's ed newsletter article about her or Shauna's site - click Podcasts)  Gives you the ability to draw with friends.
  3. Microsoft NetMeeting's Whiteboard (Windows) - Comes with Windows 98 and after. OK software.
  4. Microsoft Journal (Tablet PCs, Windows Vista)




All prices are US Dollars.


  1. Use a document camera you already have with paper or manipulatives and JingPro ($14.95 / year).  See these examples.
  2. SMART Notebook software (free for users of SMART products).  Windows/Mac.  Excellent annotation & lesson creation software but Smart's locking it all down with version 10. 
  3. SMART Notebook Student Edition (about $35)
  4. InterWrite Workspace software (free for users of InterWrite products and their students, 45 day trial available).  Windows/Mac.  Wonderful software for annotation & lesson creation. Buy one of their $399 wireless SchoolPads to get your entire school a license to their software.
  5. Microsoft OneNote (<$100 for educators & students).  For Tablet PC users and Windows users with graphics tablets.  Very nice organizational tool which can serve double-duty as annotation software for WM making.
  6. LiveScribe Pulse SmartPen (Windows or Mac), %150, www.LiveScribe.com.  Create pencasts (like these) easily using this versatile and phenomenal tool.
  7. Blade Software's NotateIt (About $30).  Windows 98 and after.  Excellent annotation software.  Version 3.0 includes screen recording and the ability to embed movies in NotateIt files. 






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