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GeoGebra Starters

Page history last edited by LFS 16 years ago

Home > Teaching Tools > GeoGebra > GeoGebra Starters


Learn and Use GeoGebra - GeoGebra Starters

 == You do NOT need to install GeoGebra to use these files === but it's free and great so here's the link: Get GeoGebra

      GeoGebra-Math247    (Links to all GeoGebra resources on this site.)

Adding a Movable, Rotating and Resizable Object

First level - freely adjustable on the GeoGebra drawing pad.

Second level - slider angle for rotation, directions coming soon...
     - used to do the tilting canon - see Physics with GeoGebra

Adding Starters to Existing ggb Files

   A .pdf file  explaining how to add elements/objects from a starter ggb file to an existing ggb file.
Please tell me if you have any problems applying it!
slider1.txt  polar.txt


   Slider1: A slider that you can put anywhere, change the text above, change the left and right limit values and length, set the value from the html file, etc. Includes complete explanations.

 Polar Coordinate Graphs
   Five ggb files zipped with different polar coordinate graphs already constructed and hidden in auxillary objects so the objects won't interfere with your construction.
   Script-o-matic for mathcast (pdf file)
   Mathcast with explanation coming soon...

JavaScript GeoGebra Functions
  - Javascript functions for interaction between the html with the ggb file.

  - Javascript functions for generating random values for slope, angles, etc.

GeoGebra Menus
  - Lists of open menus wiith tool-icon and commands
         in a handy two-page handout - pdf format.


Feel free to download and use these exercises...

      GeoGebra-Math247    (Links to all GeoGebra resources on this site.)    Got something special you want to see or show?  Contact me.



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