
Make your own mathcasts

Page history last edited by Tim Fahlberg 12 years, 1 month ago

Home > Make your own mathcasts      TinyURL to this page: http://tinyurl.com/n6pa2w

3 easy and free (or nearly free) ways to create mathcasts are using Snagit 11, Ed.VoiceThread, or Jing,


  1. Snagit 11* - www.snagit.com - Less than $40 - The best way to get started recording and sharing
     mathcasts/screencasts. Record mathcasts of any length and immediately share them (mp4 files)

     to Screencast.com, YouTube, etc.

  2. Ed.VoiceThread - www.Ed.VoiceThread.com is free or inexpensive ($10 and up) for educators.

      Upload images of problems to VoiceThread.  Comment on them in one of 5 ways:

         Doodling with mouse, text, voice, etc)

      VoiceThread is a web-browser based tool.  It works on IE or Firefox and on PCs or Macs. 

      We used VoiceThread along with images captured using TechSmith SnagIt to create 500+ mathcasts

      for our K-7 Mathcasts 500 Project.          Overview      Pricing


  3. Jing - www.JingProject.com from TechSmith.

      Use with document camera, free annotation software, etc.

      Works on PCs or Macs.  Free

      You can record up to 5 minute mathcasts with Jing and then easily share them through a

      free 2 GB Screencast.com (also from TechSmith) account

      Jing (free) will produce only to .swf (Flash) output format.  Camtasia Studio can now import these as well

      as .mp4 files created by Snagit 11

      *Jing and Snagit 11 allow you choose whether to copy a link to your screencast or the embed code to the

      clipboard.  The latter makes it incredibly easy to create a mathcast or screencast and embed it in your blog,

      wiki, etc.




 4. Camtasia Studio (Windows), Camtasia:Mac, - ($99 and up) - essential for teachers and students who want to edit

    mathcasts/screencasts, create tables of contents, etc, etc.

 5.  A Livescribe Smartpen (Pulse or Echo) is another easy way to record and share pencasts which can be mathcasts.

  See How to Create a Pencast/Mathcast.


      You can embed VoiceThreads, Jing videos, Camtasia recorded videos, YouTube, and TeacherTube videos

      in blogs, wikis, FaceBook, etc pages. 



Getting Started:  Includes new "From Start to Finish" series



Article: "Whiteboard Math Movies"
How to Afford a Mathcast Studio

Mathcasts - Tools
   (New info on VoiceThread and Jing)


Tutorials and a Book


More About Mathcasts
   Add a Table of Contents NEW Jan2009
   In the News



   Q and A

   Sharing and Distributing Mathcasts
   What is a mathcast?


 Animated GIFs like the one above. Not quite mathcasts but small, easy to make, easy to record and produce (with Camtasia Studio - no kidding!) and then easy to share, easy to change, easy to translate...


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