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These are experimental pencasts using a livescribe pulse pen. This material is under development and I am not happy with the way they are currently posted. Be sure to turn your speakers on.
Calculating Mass from Mass % and the Mass of Other Species
d. Calculations Involving Conversion Factors or Temperature Conversions
Please note that the pencapture software has some flaws and some of the penstrokes are not presented as they were performed. Like when I cancelled out a unit, it is now showing that occuring as I write the unit, not afterwards. You need to follow the logic of the audio file.
I'm (Tim Fahlberg that is) very grateful for the work that Chuck Duncan of KET has done with pencasts for AP Physics.
It was the discovery of his extraordinary work (see his Homework Help for AP Physics B) that enabled me to puzzle out how to embed pencasts in a PBWiki page.
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